
All posts for the month June, 2018

What is EROTIC to you?

Published June 6, 2018 by Chloe King - Erotic Author

young-woman-2747334_1920Muses are strange things. They talk to you or run away. Mine is generally a nymphomaniac muse. She loves sex and sex scenes. The more descriptive the better. Yet as an Erotic Author I still sometimes get embarrassed by her. 

My question is in the title.  There are levels of heat, however where would you put your writing at or as a reader what is hot and what is not?  I know EROTICA is all about the descriptive sex. A place I try not to go to often. I prefer to write a story, give it background and keep with Erotic, even if it is descriptive. I also enjoy writing M/M romance, though I have not published any yet. Perhaps I should write some novella’s like many others do, or even a mini anthology of shorts.

I read a lot of Erotic romance to research, gather information and enjoy.  There is always a warning at the beginning saying how hot the story is. Most of the time I’m disappointed. What that particular author calls hot…I don’t.  Perhaps it is they nympho muse taking over. She had a vivid imagination to say the least.

Over recent years I’ve not published much. ‘French Kiss’ is my latest which was meant to be in an erotic anthology and got forgotten…I wasn’t amused.

Please comment and tell me what is the level of HOTNESS and what isn’t in sex scenes. For example there is a sample of my first book on this website…What level of HOT is it?


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